
Wednesday 4 December 2019

Year 10 Drama l Term 4 rewind 2019

So we have recently been watching the taming of the shrew to learn about acting and how to make good facial expressions and exaggerated movement. We have also been doing some mask making and decorating the masks, I made my mas look like a green pig sorta. What we did was we put on our masks and then just said some jibberish making it seem like it meant something, for example, "jbdivyjdbfdsfudsfhsdgfubfhsd" and yea those are the things we did this term, pretty fun, very cool!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Year 10 Drama l How I made my mask

So to the left is my mask and it is finally finished. So I'm going to be telling you the proccess of the making of the mask.

So it started with me putting some glad wrap over the base of the mask and then put paper mache over it. Then I let the paper mache dry and after that, I took off the base of the mask and then all it was was paper mache as you can see to the left of the blog. After that, all that was needed to be done was to put some tiny holes in on the sides and stick a rope through it so I can wear this absolutely FABULOUS mask

Monday 25 November 2019

Year 10 Drama l Mask making

SO today I had finished creating my mask so here's is what my mask looks like to the left of this text:

This is the only picture of m mask I have at this point in time but it was a challenging proccess making this mask because I am terrible with paper mache but at least it's done (although it doesn't look great)

Thursday 21 November 2019

Year 10 English l My ideal world

So what my ideal world would look like is world peace, to do that everyone should get along.
Image result for world peace
No more starving or dehydrated people, to do that, give starving people food and give dehydrated people a drink.
Image result for water and food
Getting NCEA credits for dabbing in class at 10:30 in the morning, to do that, make it a law.
Image result for dabbing in class
Nathan becoming a farmer, to do that, I have to convince (Nathan doesn't approve of the full uncensored picture).

And finally, everyone being compassionate towards one another, to do that, be nicer.
Image result for nice people

Thursday 14 November 2019

Year 10 English l Character strengths 2

This character trait was shown in Avengers: Infinity War/Avengers: Endgame (of what I have seen in the trailers) when Thanos killed half of the population of Earth including some of the avengers, but the rest of the avengers left still have hope that they can beat Thanos and in the most recently released clip for Endgame, Black Widow said “If we even have the slightest chance of beating Thanos, we have to take it”.
It shows us that it is important to have hope because no matter how bad a situation is, there’s always hope to make things better.
I think that hope is a really good feeling to have because it shows that person isn’t going to give up.

This character trait was shown in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 when Drax makes fun of people and has a really funny laugh and that’s how he is, humorous but can be helpful in serious situations.
It shows us that it is important to have humor because you may want to light up someone’s day like making them laugh and it’s nice to make people laugh.
I think that having some humor can be a great thing because you can make people feel better if they’re feeling sad by making them laugh or making them laugh in general is just….. great.

This character trait was shown in Avengers: Infinity War when all the avengers came together and used all their different abilities to take down Thanos.
It shows us that it is important to work as a team because you may need 2 or more people in some situations.
I think that working as a team is really good so you know how to cooperate with others.

This character trait was shown in Captain America: Civil War when Tony and Steve (Iron Man and Captain America) were fighting because Steve’s friend (Bucky) killed Tony’s parents and Steve is trying to protect his Bucky but after a while, they stopped fighting and talked to sort things out and went on to say sorry to Bucky and Steve because Bucky wasn’t in any control on what he was doing and Tony was forgiven.
It shows us that it is important to show forgiveness because it makes things a whole lot better for everyone if you apologise and forgive each other.
I think that showing forgiveness is a really good thing and shows that you are willing to give the other person another chance

I saw kindness in every movie I’ve seen in some way.
I think it’s important to be kind so you will be a likeable person and you will make friends.

Friday 8 November 2019

Year 10 Science l Testing different acids on Limestone

Made by: Me, Levi, and Tamati

Different acid levels we are using:


In the experiment, we will use different concentrations of hydrochloric acid to see what effect it has on pieces of limestone.
  • What you think will happen - Hypothesis
  • Why it is happening?
  • I think the acid will make a big hole in the limestone
So with 0.1, that barely did anything to the limestone and marble, it just fizzed up a bit. With 0.5, it also didn't really do much but it fizzed up a tiny bit more than 0.1. However, 1.0 was much better than the other 2, it fizzed up quite a bit and put a little hole in the limestone and it was more effective with the marble. 1.5 did slightly better like how it put in a slightly bigger hole and fizzed up more. 2.0 was the strongest we had, it fizzed up the whole limestone and put a decent hole in it but we couldn't do any higher than 2.0 otherwise it would be a bit too dangerous to use.

Monday 4 November 2019

Year 10 Drama l Halloween social reflection

So to start off with, not enough people got tickets for the social for it to actually happen and the people who were in drama got a free ticket because they have to go because they are a part of it.

Anyway, what was supposed to happen during the social was the people who were in drama were going to be all scary like I was supposed to be some kind of stalker hiding in a wooden box banging against the walls.
Anyway, I couldn't really go on the day anyway because I had a family dinner for my aunties birthday. There were fake cobwebs hanging on the ceiling and some kind of mini staircase to go over as you walk through this little spooky room, I'm pretty sure there was a fake skeleton as well but I'm not sure, there were also some red Halloween lights shining which looked pretty great.
It was going to be relatively dark in the room to give a bit of a spooky vibe but obviously, there was gonna be that red light so people could actually see and not trip over on any steps.
There was also a piano but it would have been scary-looking because there would have been cobwebs on it to make it look old.

The social was going to last about an hour I'm pretty sure, from like 6:30pm to 7:30pm, even if it wasn't going to be entirely dark because of the daylight savings thing doesn't mean it wasn't going to be bad or anything, there was going to be a DJ as well so the social I think was gonna be pretty decent but it was unfortunate that it didn't happen.

Year 10 English l Persuasive writing #3

Children under 14 should not have cell phones: Against

Why you would need phones:

  • In case of an emergency
  • For entertainment
  • To communicate with others
My 3 strongest ideas:
  1. I'm going to start with what would be most important, you will need a phone in case you or someone else is in trouble so you can call the police or ambulance.
  2. Another important thing is to communicate with others, for example, you may need to get home and there isn't anyone to take you home so you can call or text someone to pick you up.
  3. Last thing and also important in a way is to use for entertainment like playing games or watching youtube so you won't be bored.

Friday 1 November 2019

Year 10 English l Persuasive writing #2

Sugary drinks should have higher taxes: Against

When there are sugary drink taxes vs when there aren't:

  • It's good when they are cheap so you can enjoy a nice refreshing flavoured drink
  • If flavoured drinks are expensive then more people will drink water
My 3 strongest ideas:
  1. When it's a hot day, you would want a nice cold drink to help cool you down. Sure, water is good but it's much more refreshing to have a nice, cold and cheap coca-cola to cool down on a hot summers day.
  2. If the taxes go up for flavoured drinks then if your poor, you will just be stuck with water and water gets pretty bland after a while.
  3. This is kind of combining with number 2 but when you can't afford flavoured drinks, all you have is water and as I said, it gets pretty bland after a while with the 1 flavour it has which is basically flavourless but with flavoured drinks, there are hundreds of different flavours to choose from.

Thursday 31 October 2019

Year 10 English l Persuasive writing #1

Cats make better pets than dogs: Against

Good things about dogs:
  • They never want to leave you 
  • They like attention
  • The give you exercise by going on walks with them 
  • They are playful
  • They are always happy to see you 
  • They will protect you 
  • They will make you happy 
 Bad things about cats:

  • They bring in dead animals
  • They don't care whether your around or not
  • They leave the house a lot
  • Cats would eat you if you were smaller than them
My 3 strongest ideas: 
  1. Dogs care about you and will do whatever they can to protect you from any dangers that could come, they are always happy to see you and they love your company.
  2. Dogs also give you and themselves exercise when you go for walks with them and when you're playing with dogs, running around with them or swimming with them.
  3. This kind of combines the other 2, dogs are also good with keeping your mood up, dogs are pretty good at making people happy with their playful mood, they get hyper whenever you come home from work or school, and most of all, they are just happy to see you in general and they will hang around you a lot to give you company.

Year 10 Social Studies l Maori and European population changes graph

What does the graph show us?
How the Maori and European population changes in NZ.

Why do you think the numbers of Maori change?
Because more and more Europeans keep showing up and the Maori are getting killed.

Why do you think numbers of Europeans changed?
Because more of them come to live in NZ.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Year 10 Home Ec l Pasta practical

So last Friday, our group made pasta. None of us ate any though because none of us felt like having past at 9:30 in the morning but the 3 teachers that were given our pasta seemed to enjoy it, I think we worked pretty great as a team and the outcome of the pasta was great, it looked good and there didn't seem to be much wrong with it but if there were something we needed to work on then that would be nothing because I can't really think of anything we did wrong. Oh and unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of pasta so here's a nice image of some random pasta from google.
Image result for pasta

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Year 10 Social Studies l Pepeha

Ko Mount Cook toku maunga (this is my mountain)
Ko Pacific Ocean toku moana (this is my ocean)
Ko Tongariro River toku awa (this is my river)
Ko Waka toku waka (this is my canoe)
Ko Canterbury toku rohe (this is my region)
Ko Joyce toku iwi (this is my greater tribe)
Ko Mcdonald-Ringdahl toku hapu (this is my local tribal group)
Ko Kaiden toku ingoa (this is my name)

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Year 10 English l My creative writing story

Start of story:
So I was just sitting in my room watching Shrek 4 until all of a sudden I hear my little brother
Stan screaming at someone, I decide to go to his room and check out who he is screaming at,
I enter his room and to my horror…. He is playing Fortnite, he’s screaming at his teammate
called “MLGminecraftsk00t3rboi” to revive him but then they start doing a dance, so I left his
room for this cringeworthy game was too much for me. 
Just gonna break the fourth wall real quick, I know this story may not be too interesting so far but
trust me, it will end with a “BOOM” (see that little foreshadow I did there).
Anyway, I went back into my room to keep watching Shrek 4 until my dreadful mother called my
name to unpack the groceries from the car, I told her “Go unpack them yourself mum” but I
decided to go help with the groceries anyway, I went outside, picked up a bag of groceries and
then started to walk back inside until I noticed that my ever so kind mother had packed me some
snickles which was my favourite type of food. 
The outside just looks like a normal pickle, nothing out of the ordinary, but when you bite into it,
it has some snickers chocolate inside of it to give it a weird pickle taste but when I took that first
bite of the Snickles bar, I was left with a sick feeling in my stomach….. To my discovery, my awful
mother had given me a normal pickle as some kind of sick joke, I was furious with my mum, I
was so angry that I decided to call her by her first name… Dorothy or as some would call her,
As I was about to angrily go back to my room, my house blew up with my little brother in there
and then Dorris had gotten kidnapped by the Woltan family. The End.

That’s when I woke up from that horrible nightmare to the realization that my little brother would
never go so far to play Fortnite and my mother would never play such a cruel joke of giving me
pickles instead of snickles and I guess I’m happy the house didn’t blow up and everything. 
I proceeded with my day as I usually would, going to visit the Woltans and hanging out with my
friend Matham Woltan and I noticed that my other 2 friends Hogan Vanilla and Trevi Pardner
were there as well, we all decided to go to Prayden Chadamson’s house
(his parents were very christian), when we met up with Prayden, we found him playing WoM
(World of Mincecraft) and so we recruited Prayden to join us on our quest to find something to do. 
“We should go to Cornby high school to study and do our homework” Matham suggested. 
“Typical Matham, of course you would suggest that we should do something boring like that” I
“Any other ideas?” I said.
Then some random kid about our age comes along and asks “Oi, what are yous doing”
“We can’t think of what to do” says Trevi.
“Come with me, I’ve got something I wanna show yous” says the kid.
“Wait, can you at least tell us what your name is?” I say.
“It’s Joe, nah it’s actually Wobbie Hedgeworth”.

And so Wobbie is taking us somewhere to show us something but we still don’t know where we
are going, as we approach closer to the destination, I start to notice something…. very... familiar,
this looked a lot like Praydens house but the weird thing is…. we just came from his house and
we’ve basically been walking in a straight line for only a few minutes, this makes no sense…
“Here it is” says Wobbie. “This is what I wanted to show you”.
“This is my house, but we just came from my house” says Prayden puzzled.
“That’s what I wanted to show you, nothing makes sense around here” said Wobbie.

To be continued...

I didn't get time to finish the story so I might make a part 2 at some point, we will see.

Year 10 Social Studies l Maori God / Atua Blog

Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories play in society?

They make people believe that back then there was a God that created the world.
It is providing people with an understanding of how the world was created, as well-meaning to their life.

What similarities are there between the myths and stories of Màori and the first British Missionaries?

They all believe that there is some type of god that created the whole thing back then.

Why would the difference between Màori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?

Both the Maori mythology and Christain religion emphasised worship and solidity of their god/s respectfully.

Credit to for this info :-)

Monday 21 October 2019

Krakatoa volcano eruption of 1883

Krakatoa volcano eruption of 1883

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was one of the most deadly volcano eruptions. It's thought that more than 36,000 people died. The eruption began during the afternoon of Sunday 26th August and it had peaked on the morning of Monday 27th when over 70% of the island was destroyed and collapsed.
Seismic activity around the Krakatoa volcano was intense, with earthquakes reaching as far as Australia. Eruptions at Krakatoa started again around June 16th with explosions and a black cloud covering the island for five days. On June 24th, some wind came along and cleared the cloud, and two ash columns were seen issuing from Krakatoa. The combination of pyroclastic flows, volcanic ash, and tsunamis associated with the Krakatoa eruptions had devastating consequences. The official death toll recorded by the Dutch authorities was 36,417. After the eruption, the island of Krakatoa had almost entirely disappeared, except the southern third.

Friday 27 September 2019

Year 10 Science l Wind racing

I am going to quickly say that in class, we have been creating wind racers and once finished, we would see whos wind racer went the furthest or the fastest and whoever won either of those got a prize, anyway, here's to what I was going to say

So I am going to be talking about the process of creating the Moromobile wind racer, so first is research.

So we didn't do too much research but if looking for designs counts as research then we did do some research which leads me to the next bit.
We were looking at this design of a kiwi silhouette and put that on our wind racer and then coloured it in so it looks like the NZ flag on the inside, after that we put a big "M" at the front to represent my YouTube channel and yea that was basically the design because we didn't have much time to do much.
The way we built it was putting a little bit of cardboard behind the paper but that didn't work very effectively because the paper was just ripping apart as the leafblower hit it so with the redesign, we put a whole lot of cardboard behind the paper but that just made the wind racer tip over because one side had more cardboard than the other so it just tipped to its side.

Anyway, I think we worked well as a group because all of us were contributing to doing something whether it be designing or building the wind racer or anything else and I think this project was actually quite fun and pretty interesting with all the outcomes

Thursday 26 September 2019

Year 10 P.E l Gymnastics reflection

The video showed me doing the mat, the parallel bars and the tramp. 
I chose this sequence because for the tramp, I find using the tramp fun and the things we needed to do were decently easy and with the mat, I chose that because I am able to do a forward roll easily and can almost do a backwards roll, and I did the parallel bars just cos.
I think I have improved on the parallel bars and a little bit on the mat.
I improved by doing better according to Logan.

Year 10 Home Ec l Japanese research

Something new I have learned about Japan is that it is made up of 6,852 islands which I find pretty interesting.
Japanese foods compare to NZ with how we take quite a bit of the food Japan has like how we get Stir fry and other Japanese foods.

Questions about rice:

1. What kinds of different rice are there?

2. What's your favourite kind of rice?

3. What do you like eating with your rice?

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Year 10 English l Speech/Poem

So it took me a few weeks but I had finally finished my speech, I could've done better and finished it sooner but anyway here is my speech:

My poems:

I like KFC
But nothing that comes from a tree
“I would like some chicken please”
As I do not like peas

I also like BK
They serve food to me on a tray
I went to pray
Then the worker said I couldn’t stay
…..I had ordered a Takeaway

I went to Maccas
I had ordered some crackers
Then Obama walked in to cause some drama
He pulled out a Katana
Then he went to the Bahamas

Nathan walked into the room
I was confused, he had a broom
I told him his IQ was lacking
And then he told me I was in for a good smacking 

This came about when I was making poems last year (which are the red parts) and when I was bored in maths this year, I decided to make even more poems (which are the blue parts).
I think I did well with being creative with my speech and presenting it decently well.