
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Year 10 English l My creative writing story

Start of story:
So I was just sitting in my room watching Shrek 4 until all of a sudden I hear my little brother
Stan screaming at someone, I decide to go to his room and check out who he is screaming at,
I enter his room and to my horror…. He is playing Fortnite, he’s screaming at his teammate
called “MLGminecraftsk00t3rboi” to revive him but then they start doing a dance, so I left his
room for this cringeworthy game was too much for me. 
Just gonna break the fourth wall real quick, I know this story may not be too interesting so far but
trust me, it will end with a “BOOM” (see that little foreshadow I did there).
Anyway, I went back into my room to keep watching Shrek 4 until my dreadful mother called my
name to unpack the groceries from the car, I told her “Go unpack them yourself mum” but I
decided to go help with the groceries anyway, I went outside, picked up a bag of groceries and
then started to walk back inside until I noticed that my ever so kind mother had packed me some
snickles which was my favourite type of food. 
The outside just looks like a normal pickle, nothing out of the ordinary, but when you bite into it,
it has some snickers chocolate inside of it to give it a weird pickle taste but when I took that first
bite of the Snickles bar, I was left with a sick feeling in my stomach….. To my discovery, my awful
mother had given me a normal pickle as some kind of sick joke, I was furious with my mum, I
was so angry that I decided to call her by her first name… Dorothy or as some would call her,
As I was about to angrily go back to my room, my house blew up with my little brother in there
and then Dorris had gotten kidnapped by the Woltan family. The End.

That’s when I woke up from that horrible nightmare to the realization that my little brother would
never go so far to play Fortnite and my mother would never play such a cruel joke of giving me
pickles instead of snickles and I guess I’m happy the house didn’t blow up and everything. 
I proceeded with my day as I usually would, going to visit the Woltans and hanging out with my
friend Matham Woltan and I noticed that my other 2 friends Hogan Vanilla and Trevi Pardner
were there as well, we all decided to go to Prayden Chadamson’s house
(his parents were very christian), when we met up with Prayden, we found him playing WoM
(World of Mincecraft) and so we recruited Prayden to join us on our quest to find something to do. 
“We should go to Cornby high school to study and do our homework” Matham suggested. 
“Typical Matham, of course you would suggest that we should do something boring like that” I
“Any other ideas?” I said.
Then some random kid about our age comes along and asks “Oi, what are yous doing”
“We can’t think of what to do” says Trevi.
“Come with me, I’ve got something I wanna show yous” says the kid.
“Wait, can you at least tell us what your name is?” I say.
“It’s Joe, nah it’s actually Wobbie Hedgeworth”.

And so Wobbie is taking us somewhere to show us something but we still don’t know where we
are going, as we approach closer to the destination, I start to notice something…. very... familiar,
this looked a lot like Praydens house but the weird thing is…. we just came from his house and
we’ve basically been walking in a straight line for only a few minutes, this makes no sense…
“Here it is” says Wobbie. “This is what I wanted to show you”.
“This is my house, but we just came from my house” says Prayden puzzled.
“That’s what I wanted to show you, nothing makes sense around here” said Wobbie.

To be continued...

I didn't get time to finish the story so I might make a part 2 at some point, we will see.


  1. Your writing is quite amusing, Kaiden. I liked the alternative names.
    Good to see dialogue used well. You know you can actually have two lines of dialogue on the same paragraph if they're by the same character.
    "...something boring like that." I said. "Any other ideas?"
    Then some random...

    Next you could try using some location description. The "something I want to show yous."
    Could you take the story there and describe what the place is like using the five senses?

  2. Good story I like how the characters are funny and I like the way the way the story was made I also liked the high level comedy and the characters names. (pls don't ruin my name though


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