
Wednesday 28 August 2019

Year 10 Drama l Written work

So last time I had drama, I had to answer a few of these questions related to "That time. That place." but I only managed to do 1 which is:

What is real in this text?
Everyone apart from chorus 1-5 because they are just voices in Mel's head, they can come physically and mentally.
Physically as in face-to-face and mentally is just hearing the voices in her head, when it is physically, Mel is hallucinating or just seeing chorus 1-5 but no one else can see them aside from Mel.

I know this is a bit of a short blog but I hope you liked it anyway.

Year 10 Social Studies l The first Ancient Egyptian door lock

The first door lock was made by Egyptians at around 4000 B.C., it was a pin tumbler lock, how it worked was a hollowed-out bolt in the door was connected to pins that could be manipulated by the key being inserted, when the key gets pushed upward on the pins, they move away from the bolt shaft allowing it to be withdrawn.
One bad thing about these locks was their size, the biggest ones were up to 2 feet. Egyptian locks actually were more secure than the technology later made by the Romans, who used a simpler design with a spring instead of a bolt to hold the door in place. The Roman locks were hidden inside the door, but compared to the Egyptian locks, they were pretty easy to pick.

Egyptian door lock:
Image result for Ancient Egyptian door lock

Roman door lock:
Image result for Ancient Roman spring door lock

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Year 10 Social Studies l Stone Age Art

Image result for stone ageart

The picture above represents the people from the stone age hunting for meat with a bow and arrow, cavemen create art because they wanted to decorate the cave and wanted to remember stuff that was important to their existence

What is shown below is the stone age painting that I made:

First of all, sorry for the pixelly looking potato quality, second of all, the sandy wall was made from putting cardboard onto the wall and then the sand from New Brighton beach was added and then some glue was put onto the cardboard, then the sand was thrown onto the cardboard, then being spread out and then finally spray painted to give it that cave-y look.
Anyway, I made a dabbing caveman as you can see and this tells the story of the very first stone age dab, it was made because a caveman was about to sneeze so he moved right arm up over his nose to sneeze and then proceeded to make his left arm move to his upper left and that's how the dab was invented. Also, the 100 was just a reference to PewDiePie reaching 100 million subscribers on Youtube so I did this to congratulate him.

Thursday 22 August 2019

Year 10 Home Ec l Fish'n'chips

So in my last practical Home Economics lesson, we made some homemade fish and chips, the chips started out as just some plain potatoes but after a bit of cutting, cooking and adding a bit of salt, we made some chips and the fish was made from just some fish from the supermarket and then it was cooked and cut, some scales were cut off and then that part was done too.
I have to say that it did taste quite nice so we did do a pretty good job, there wasn't much we would have needed to improve on but anyway here is an image of some homemade fish and chips, obviously not ours because we don't have a photo but the chips look close enough to how our chips looked.
Image result for homemade fish and chips

Year 10 Home Ec l NZ Food History

So in my last Home Economics lesson, we watched a video about people trying different NZ foods and then we had to type down what kinds of NZ foods there were so here are all the foods that I had gathered from that video:

  • Fish and chips
  • Hangi
  • Pavlova
  • Pineapple lumps
  • L&P
  • Kiwifruit
  • Marmite
  • Sausage Sizzle
  • Boil-up
  • Hokey Pokey Ice Cream
  • Roast
  • BBQ
  • Whitebait

And here is a link to that video I was mentioning before

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Year 10 Social Studies l 10bu Screen Time

So basically there is going to be nothing on the blog itself but if you click on the link below then you will see the screen time of 10bu

10bu Screen Time

Thursday 15 August 2019

Year 10 Home Ec l Practical week 3: Jam Drops

Teamwork aspects:
In my team, our skills are working as a team and there's always someone who has a job and our improvements have been working together well and our cooking is getting a little bit better.
Although we don't really manage our time well enough because our group is normally the last to finish cooking.

With our food, I think the jam drops tasted quite nice even if they weren't cooked to perfection, the taste was good, the texture wasn't too great and the colour was normal I suppose.
Some improvements which could have been made is working faster and listening to instructions a bit more carefully.

Next steps for own learning: Focus, work faster, listen carefully and make sure the food comes out great.
 Image result for Jam drops
Oh and if you don't know what Jam Drops are then here is what they look like (if you couldn't tell already, this is a google image)

Monday 12 August 2019

Year 10 Drama l That Time. That Place. (synopsis)

So far, we have been working on the play called "That Time. That Place." By Ken Mizusawa and I play as "Boy", yes, that is literally my name and he is a teenage boy who disappeared during high school. Here's the synopsis:

"The unexpected disappearance of a boy during high school continues to preoccupy Mel, a young woman who refuses to live in the present and put the past behind her. Unable to move on, she decides to investigate the case in order to inscribe meaning into what has happened, only to find herself descending ever further into the realm of memory and half-remembered moments."

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Year 10 English l Debate Essay

So... I haven't exactly finished my essay yet due to running out of time but here is what I've got so far

Debate Essay topic: Crimes against animals should be
punished as equally as crimes against humans

Should crimes against animals really be punished as equally as crimes against humans?
I think this should be a law but I will go into further detail later, here are 3 points I will be talking

  1. Humans and animals are both animals
  2. What kinds of crimes are there to deal with

I’m going to start by saying that technically both humans and animals are animals, well it really
depends on your perspective on whether humans are animals or not (this could just be a debate
on it’s own) but we are our own type of animal, and I think it would be fair if crimes against
animals should be punished as equally as crimes against humans.

It seems unfair that crimes against animals remain unpunished so we should make it that if you
were to majorly harm your pet or someone else’s pet then you should be charged or put in jail or
if you were to lock your pet in a cage or your house and not let them out for a long time
(Using a dog as an example for this one) then that should give you jail-time or something along
those lines.
The last example is not giving your pet their food or giving them water and there are many other
reasons to get punished for doing something to your pet.