
Friday 31 May 2019

My Sphero game update

So, I have not gotten up to the coding phase of my Sphero game named 'Hit the Target V2' but I do have evidence that I have made a rough plan on how the game was going to work so here is the link to my plan:

My Sphero game: Planning

I do wish that I had the time to code my sphero to do the instructions on this document. 
It would have been an interesting game if this worked but I'm unsure if it were to actually work out the way I wanted it to because of the limits of the coding and if I had finished the 'Hit the Target V2' game, I would probably play it with some friends and maybe even share the code to some people for them to enjoy themselves.
Anyway, that's all I've got to say for now so make sure to comment on whatever you want that is to do on what I have said here.

Year 10 Science l Acid Rain

So I'm going to be starting off with the proccess of acid rain:

1. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide escapes into the air.
2. These molecules dissolve in the water in the clouds and make the rainwater more acidic than normal.
3. The acidic water is in the clouds and then it rains down on the land.

Here's how acid rain could cause environmental problems:

A: The buildings will start to dissolve the more it rains from the acid in the rainwater.
B: The trees will dry up from the acid in the rainwater.
C: The rainwater will mix with the acid and the river will be polluted and undrinkable.

Effects of acid rain on the Oamaru stone:

Acid rain could dissolve buildings and depending on how long it rains depends on how much damage it will do and this is basically the same with statues. It may take a while to dissolve with Oamaru stone.

That's pretty much all I have for this blog, please comment on how I can improve my work so I can improve my learning.

Friday 24 May 2019

Year 10 DTE l Hit the Target V2 (Sphero game)

I've just finished my planning phase of my 'Hit the Target' game and now I'm onto my coding phase where I have to code my sphero to do what I want it to do (as you will see from my step by step plan below)

Hit the Target V2:

Step 1. Make the target and add random holes around it (possibly make the target out of

Step 2. Put the target on an angle while making sure that it is stable when it stands up straight
so the sphero can roll up on the target.

Step 3. Label each of the holes in the target based on points, for example, the outside of the
target is 0 points, the side of the target is 20 points, and the bullseye is 50 points.

Step 4. Code the sphero to go straight up (heading towards the target) and then as it rolls up
the target, make the sphero do a random movement to make this game more of a challenge.

Step 5. Code the sphero to say “Start Hit the Target V2 game” when you start the game and
when you get the sphero through the target, it will say “Good human, you have gotten some
points” and if you don’t, it says “You didn’t make it, SAD!”

Step 6. Code the Sphero to get a point “on landing” inside the target

Step 7. Get as many people as you want to play this with you so don’t be a loner, choose how many points you want to do to win as long as it’s above 50 points.

I hope this was explained well enough for you to understand and let me know how I might be able to improve this in the comments, thanks!

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Year 10 Social Studies l My story (incomplete)

Our trip to New Zealand

Here’s a short description of some of the story: This story is going to take place in the 1800s and will be focusing on 2 characters named Gilbert Ross and Phil Walter and these 2 will be going on a trip to New Zealand on a ship. As you go through the story, you will find out how these 2 met and what happens on the ship on the way to NZ. You can proceed reading now and I hope you find this story interesting.

Chapter 1 - Tough Times:
1852: My name is Gilbert, I’m 19 and I just got fired from my job as a chimney sweeper because of an incident involving a chimney collapsing onto a child.
My trip to New Zealand is in 2 days and I don’t have enough money for the trip, I don’t know what to do, I don’t have enough time to get the money I need, and no one is willing to help me out.
The trip costs $100 to go into the steerage part of the ship and it costs $200 to get into first class and I can’t even afford the poor section because I have only got $42 so I have decided to make and sell food.
I’ve decided to make some baked beans and I will sell them for $4 each, I waited and waited for people to come past to buy some beans but no one wanted any so I decided to go to another part of town to sell my baked beans, a part in town where there are more people.
2 hours later, It’s been 2 hours and I’ve only had 2 people buy some baked beans so then that’s when I decided to give up because I thought I would never get enough money to get on the ship and it was leaving in only half an hour so I went over to a bench to watch the ship sail off… until a man came over to me to sit next to me, he said: “Hey, my name’s Phil Walter, are you going to New Zealand on that ship” and then I told him that I did not have enough money and that I was really looking forward to going to NZ and I also told him that my name was Gilbert Ross.
He noticed that I was quite upset so he decided he was going to pay for me, I tried to tell him that he didn’t have to waste his money just to pay for my trip but he insisted so he paid for us to go into the steerage area and we finally had gotten on the ship.
I’m finally going to NZ and made a new friend as well, Phil Walter.

Chapter 2 - Learning about Phil:
I could tell this would be quite a long trip so I got a book to read during my trip and it is called “History of Waltonia” by Stewart Walton, as I was peacefully reading my book, Phil came over and closed my book the proceeded saying “Come on, let’s go find something better to do than read a book”.
Considering I didn’t have anything better to do in my spare time, I joined him and so we were on our way to the canteen to buy some lunch because we decided that would be the best place to talk to each other, plus I was quite hungry.
We got some food, Phil got some Salmon by itself and I had a Salmon sandwich so something we have in common is that we both like Salmon.
“So,” Phil said, “How come you couldn’t afford a ticket, did you get fired? Did you not get a job at all?” I responded with a depressing tone “Yea, I got fired from my job…because of an incident relating to a….um….chimney falling onto a child…BUT it was an accident!” and then Phil said, “I’m guessing you were a chimney sweeper, oh well I hope you find another good job in NZ”.
We talked for about half an hour and it turns out that Phil is a very good person to talk to and a pretty funny guy so we both decided to take a walk outside the ship where we could look at the ocean.
I said, “Aaaahhh, look at the water, it’s so calm and pretty, the wind is nice and cool as well isn’t it?” Phil replied with “Yea... it is pretty nice out here” I then say “What do ya say we hang out together when we arrive in New Zealand, get a coffee maybe” but I notice that Phil’s face turned pale, I asked him what was wrong and then he pointed into the distance, I looked in the direction he was pointing and then I felt a sick feeling in my stomach.
Phil says in a terrified tone “There’s a storm coming...”.

Chapter 3 - The Storm:
Me and Phil run to see the captain telling him about the dark grey, almost black clouds in the distance and he said “I’ve noticed and I will be notifying everyone on this ship about our problem but I think we will make it through, It doesn’t look too bad and the ship should handle going through that storm”.
Then Phil says “Well, our captain is a lunatic, well our best chance is to pray that we make it through this alive”.
Half an hour later, the ship is now in the storm and the waves are going wild and crashing against the ship, Phil and I are outside the ship watching over the waters just wondering what’s going to happen, “will the ship tip over?” I wondered but just as we were starting to lose hope, I saw 2 islands in the distance and I remember NZ was split into 2 islands so that must have been NZ, I told Phil and his face lit up and so we went into the Captain’s quarters to tell him.
We let him know and then he told us that we were going to make it, I heard everyone in the ship screaming when they noticed that we were in a storm because most of them were asleep before.
We kept on heading forwards when all of a sudden, a lightning bolt hit the water metres away from the ship and the lightning splashed a lot of the water onto the ship and most of the water hit Phil and knocked him back into the railing knocking him out in the proccess, I ran to help until another wave hits the ship making it tip over a bit making me trip and fall, making me slide into a wall.
Then I blacked out.

Chapter 4: -
When I woke up, surprisingly, the ship was ok and so was Phil, something even more surprising is that we had arrived in NZ.

“I don’t believe it,” Phil says,

That was pretty much how it was going to end anyway, all I was gonna do was say that they were gonna work the same job (not sure what job they would do) and they would keep in contact and live happily ever after. The End!

If you liked my story then tell me what you thought about it down in the comments and I ran out of time to do my story so sorry about that, let me know what I should have worked on and thanks for reading!

Thursday 16 May 2019

Year 10 Science l 4 things I have learned in Atomic Science

1. There are 3 atom particles known as Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

2. I have learned that chemical change cannot be changed but a physical change can be changed

3. I have learned that compounds are connected in particles and elements are separate

4. I have learned that an ion is an atom with an electrical charge

Comment on my blog on what you thought of the blog and what I need to work on next time.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Year 10 P.E l Reflection

On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the previous lesson.


Why did you rate yourself the way you did?

Because most of the time, I didn't get a ball for hockey because there weren't enough for everyone

What do you think you did well?

I did pretty well dribbling the ball

What skills did you use to accomplish passing and dribbling?

Controlling the ball

What do you think you need to improve upon for next time? What strategies will you use?

Try to get involved more and find a tennis ball for myself so I don't get left out

Friday 10 May 2019

Year 10 Drama l 3 worded sentences

Today in Drama, I was setting up the stage to do a 3 worded sentence thing where you have to talk to someone only using 3 worded sentences and what I was doing was complaining that I wanted beans on toast to the person I was working with and I ended up getting spaghetti on toast instead :( (by the way, the food isn’t real, we were pretending we had food)

That's my little story on what happened in Drama today, comment to tell me what you thought of this and whatever mistakes I made.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Year 10 English l Character Strengths

So the goal by the end of this term was doing 6 character strengths but I did 10 so..... here are 6 of them:

1. This character trait was shown in Minecraft when you get to create whatever you want with blocks.
It shows us that it is important to be creative because it could help us in the future.
I think that because what if you wanted to be an architect.

2. This character trait was shown in The Lego Movie when Emmet heard someone go by and he went to go investigate.
It shows us that it is important to be curious because well, it can be bad to be curious but if it’s good then yea that’s good
I think that Emmet shouldn’t have investigated.

3. This character trait was shown in Zootopia when The buffalo wouldn’t let Judy (the rabbit) be a real police officer.
It shows us that being judgmental can be a bad thing because you can’t judge a book by it’s cover
I think that because (for example) let’s say there’s a person who seems to look like a bully but is actually a really nice person, I know it’s not a good example but oh well.

4. I saw Bravery in Tarzan when Tarzan went to save Jane on the boat
I think it’s important to be brave because you would be like a hero and it’s always good to help people out.

5. I saw Honesty in Spongebob where SpongeBob didn’t admit that he didn’t know how to tie his shoes but he admitted in the end.
I think it’s important, to be honest, so if you did something bad, it’ll turn worse if you lie.

I saw kindness in every movie I’ve seen in some way.
I think it’s important to be kind so you will be a likeable person and you will make friends.