
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Year 10 Drama l How I made my mask

So to the left is my mask and it is finally finished. So I'm going to be telling you the proccess of the making of the mask.

So it started with me putting some glad wrap over the base of the mask and then put paper mache over it. Then I let the paper mache dry and after that, I took off the base of the mask and then all it was was paper mache as you can see to the left of the blog. After that, all that was needed to be done was to put some tiny holes in on the sides and stick a rope through it so I can wear this absolutely FABULOUS mask

Monday 25 November 2019

Year 10 Drama l Mask making

SO today I had finished creating my mask so here's is what my mask looks like to the left of this text:

This is the only picture of m mask I have at this point in time but it was a challenging proccess making this mask because I am terrible with paper mache but at least it's done (although it doesn't look great)

Thursday 21 November 2019

Year 10 English l My ideal world

So what my ideal world would look like is world peace, to do that everyone should get along.
Image result for world peace
No more starving or dehydrated people, to do that, give starving people food and give dehydrated people a drink.
Image result for water and food
Getting NCEA credits for dabbing in class at 10:30 in the morning, to do that, make it a law.
Image result for dabbing in class
Nathan becoming a farmer, to do that, I have to convince (Nathan doesn't approve of the full uncensored picture).

And finally, everyone being compassionate towards one another, to do that, be nicer.
Image result for nice people

Thursday 14 November 2019

Year 10 English l Character strengths 2

This character trait was shown in Avengers: Infinity War/Avengers: Endgame (of what I have seen in the trailers) when Thanos killed half of the population of Earth including some of the avengers, but the rest of the avengers left still have hope that they can beat Thanos and in the most recently released clip for Endgame, Black Widow said “If we even have the slightest chance of beating Thanos, we have to take it”.
It shows us that it is important to have hope because no matter how bad a situation is, there’s always hope to make things better.
I think that hope is a really good feeling to have because it shows that person isn’t going to give up.

This character trait was shown in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 when Drax makes fun of people and has a really funny laugh and that’s how he is, humorous but can be helpful in serious situations.
It shows us that it is important to have humor because you may want to light up someone’s day like making them laugh and it’s nice to make people laugh.
I think that having some humor can be a great thing because you can make people feel better if they’re feeling sad by making them laugh or making them laugh in general is just….. great.

This character trait was shown in Avengers: Infinity War when all the avengers came together and used all their different abilities to take down Thanos.
It shows us that it is important to work as a team because you may need 2 or more people in some situations.
I think that working as a team is really good so you know how to cooperate with others.

This character trait was shown in Captain America: Civil War when Tony and Steve (Iron Man and Captain America) were fighting because Steve’s friend (Bucky) killed Tony’s parents and Steve is trying to protect his Bucky but after a while, they stopped fighting and talked to sort things out and went on to say sorry to Bucky and Steve because Bucky wasn’t in any control on what he was doing and Tony was forgiven.
It shows us that it is important to show forgiveness because it makes things a whole lot better for everyone if you apologise and forgive each other.
I think that showing forgiveness is a really good thing and shows that you are willing to give the other person another chance

I saw kindness in every movie I’ve seen in some way.
I think it’s important to be kind so you will be a likeable person and you will make friends.

Friday 8 November 2019

Year 10 Science l Testing different acids on Limestone

Made by: Me, Levi, and Tamati

Different acid levels we are using:


In the experiment, we will use different concentrations of hydrochloric acid to see what effect it has on pieces of limestone.
  • What you think will happen - Hypothesis
  • Why it is happening?
  • I think the acid will make a big hole in the limestone
So with 0.1, that barely did anything to the limestone and marble, it just fizzed up a bit. With 0.5, it also didn't really do much but it fizzed up a tiny bit more than 0.1. However, 1.0 was much better than the other 2, it fizzed up quite a bit and put a little hole in the limestone and it was more effective with the marble. 1.5 did slightly better like how it put in a slightly bigger hole and fizzed up more. 2.0 was the strongest we had, it fizzed up the whole limestone and put a decent hole in it but we couldn't do any higher than 2.0 otherwise it would be a bit too dangerous to use.

Monday 4 November 2019

Year 10 Drama l Halloween social reflection

So to start off with, not enough people got tickets for the social for it to actually happen and the people who were in drama got a free ticket because they have to go because they are a part of it.

Anyway, what was supposed to happen during the social was the people who were in drama were going to be all scary like I was supposed to be some kind of stalker hiding in a wooden box banging against the walls.
Anyway, I couldn't really go on the day anyway because I had a family dinner for my aunties birthday. There were fake cobwebs hanging on the ceiling and some kind of mini staircase to go over as you walk through this little spooky room, I'm pretty sure there was a fake skeleton as well but I'm not sure, there were also some red Halloween lights shining which looked pretty great.
It was going to be relatively dark in the room to give a bit of a spooky vibe but obviously, there was gonna be that red light so people could actually see and not trip over on any steps.
There was also a piano but it would have been scary-looking because there would have been cobwebs on it to make it look old.

The social was going to last about an hour I'm pretty sure, from like 6:30pm to 7:30pm, even if it wasn't going to be entirely dark because of the daylight savings thing doesn't mean it wasn't going to be bad or anything, there was going to be a DJ as well so the social I think was gonna be pretty decent but it was unfortunate that it didn't happen.

Year 10 English l Persuasive writing #3

Children under 14 should not have cell phones: Against

Why you would need phones:

  • In case of an emergency
  • For entertainment
  • To communicate with others
My 3 strongest ideas:
  1. I'm going to start with what would be most important, you will need a phone in case you or someone else is in trouble so you can call the police or ambulance.
  2. Another important thing is to communicate with others, for example, you may need to get home and there isn't anyone to take you home so you can call or text someone to pick you up.
  3. Last thing and also important in a way is to use for entertainment like playing games or watching youtube so you won't be bored.

Friday 1 November 2019

Year 10 English l Persuasive writing #2

Sugary drinks should have higher taxes: Against

When there are sugary drink taxes vs when there aren't:

  • It's good when they are cheap so you can enjoy a nice refreshing flavoured drink
  • If flavoured drinks are expensive then more people will drink water
My 3 strongest ideas:
  1. When it's a hot day, you would want a nice cold drink to help cool you down. Sure, water is good but it's much more refreshing to have a nice, cold and cheap coca-cola to cool down on a hot summers day.
  2. If the taxes go up for flavoured drinks then if your poor, you will just be stuck with water and water gets pretty bland after a while.
  3. This is kind of combining with number 2 but when you can't afford flavoured drinks, all you have is water and as I said, it gets pretty bland after a while with the 1 flavour it has which is basically flavourless but with flavoured drinks, there are hundreds of different flavours to choose from.