
Friday 27 September 2019

Year 10 Science l Wind racing

I am going to quickly say that in class, we have been creating wind racers and once finished, we would see whos wind racer went the furthest or the fastest and whoever won either of those got a prize, anyway, here's to what I was going to say

So I am going to be talking about the process of creating the Moromobile wind racer, so first is research.

So we didn't do too much research but if looking for designs counts as research then we did do some research which leads me to the next bit.
We were looking at this design of a kiwi silhouette and put that on our wind racer and then coloured it in so it looks like the NZ flag on the inside, after that we put a big "M" at the front to represent my YouTube channel and yea that was basically the design because we didn't have much time to do much.
The way we built it was putting a little bit of cardboard behind the paper but that didn't work very effectively because the paper was just ripping apart as the leafblower hit it so with the redesign, we put a whole lot of cardboard behind the paper but that just made the wind racer tip over because one side had more cardboard than the other so it just tipped to its side.

Anyway, I think we worked well as a group because all of us were contributing to doing something whether it be designing or building the wind racer or anything else and I think this project was actually quite fun and pretty interesting with all the outcomes

Thursday 26 September 2019

Year 10 P.E l Gymnastics reflection

The video showed me doing the mat, the parallel bars and the tramp. 
I chose this sequence because for the tramp, I find using the tramp fun and the things we needed to do were decently easy and with the mat, I chose that because I am able to do a forward roll easily and can almost do a backwards roll, and I did the parallel bars just cos.
I think I have improved on the parallel bars and a little bit on the mat.
I improved by doing better according to Logan.

Year 10 Home Ec l Japanese research

Something new I have learned about Japan is that it is made up of 6,852 islands which I find pretty interesting.
Japanese foods compare to NZ with how we take quite a bit of the food Japan has like how we get Stir fry and other Japanese foods.

Questions about rice:

1. What kinds of different rice are there?

2. What's your favourite kind of rice?

3. What do you like eating with your rice?

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Year 10 English l Speech/Poem

So it took me a few weeks but I had finally finished my speech, I could've done better and finished it sooner but anyway here is my speech:

My poems:

I like KFC
But nothing that comes from a tree
“I would like some chicken please”
As I do not like peas

I also like BK
They serve food to me on a tray
I went to pray
Then the worker said I couldn’t stay
…..I had ordered a Takeaway

I went to Maccas
I had ordered some crackers
Then Obama walked in to cause some drama
He pulled out a Katana
Then he went to the Bahamas

Nathan walked into the room
I was confused, he had a broom
I told him his IQ was lacking
And then he told me I was in for a good smacking 

This came about when I was making poems last year (which are the red parts) and when I was bored in maths this year, I decided to make even more poems (which are the blue parts).
I think I did well with being creative with my speech and presenting it decently well.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Year 10 Social Studies l Exhibition day

So here I have a link of what we have been working on over the past few weeks and It was pretty cool how we got to be mummies and making our Egyptian slideshow for our exhibition, my team worked pretty well together apart from this 1 epic prankster in my group who did really good pranks... Anyway, we have so far worked on the stone age, Romans and Egyptians as far as I can remember but this unit was a fun one and I look forward to whatever we are going to be learning of next and I'll be sure to blog about it.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Year 10 Home Ec l Mini Pizza

Last week on Friday, we made mini pizzas and we actually did pretty well, something we could have improved on is the pizza could have looked a little better but other than that, there isn't really anything else and now onto the positives, some positives were that the pizza tasted great, added some good ingredients and our team worked really well and I'm proud of how well our group did.
Image result for mini pizza
This isn't a picture of our mini pizzas because I don't have a picture of ours but yea here's a picture of mini pizzas

Monday 2 September 2019

Year 10 Drama l That Time. That Place. Critical Analysis

The social reality for this text would probably fit into the category of school and this text constructs a version of reality because some aspects about how a person goes missing is in real life, everyone would be wondering why or how they went missing but after a couple weeks, people wouldn't even think about it much anymore.
What is real and what is not? I think that the chorus isn't exactly real even if Mel can see them, even if she can see the chorus doesn't mean anyone else can.

If you were to watch this play, it seems like it is meant to make you feel the suspense and scared, this is also meant to look dark maybe and eerie, and to go along with these are sound, I think sound is pretty important to make a scene feel scary or however you want the mood to feel like, anyway, the sounds you would hear would probably be like slow creaky noises or some eerie music like something along those lines.

Please leave me a comment to tell me what you thought of my blog or give me some feedback, that would be much appreciated