
Thursday 28 February 2019

Year 10 P.E l Something/s I have improved on...

I think I have improved on high jump mainly because I have actually attempted it where previously I have not attempted it and I just stayed back and watched, when I participated in high jump for the first time this year, most people started clapping and it was pretty embarrassing to be honest but also I felt that I achieved something because I haven't actually participated in high jump for about a couple year before that

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Year 10 Social Studies l Harriet Tubman Slave Research

So this is going to be a short blog because I'm just going to put in the link of my work right here...
                                                                                                                           Hint: >  ^ 

Friday 22 February 2019

Year 10 Drama l Animal Studies

Today, a rabbit, dog, and turtle were brought in.
Me and my 2 friends got to see the dog and rabbit but had no time for the turtle but I mostly wanted to study the dog movements considering that I was focusing on the dog and I studied the way they sat, moved, yawned, coughed and etc.
I learned a bit about the rabbit as well on how it eats and how it reacts in different situations but here are some pictures of some of my dogs' movements (his names Cooper)

Thursday 21 February 2019

Year 10 P.E l Reflection

The event I'm going to choose is High Jump

I chose to write about this event because I am not good at high jump or should I say, I'm not confident enough to really try but I know the technique to this event is to focus on jumping as high as possible (obviously) but I don't really know much else at this moment but I may further explain later.
I have improved in this event by actually attempting this event and also did it with the bar but really, not much.
I could have improved more by doing it with the bar going higher and higher as I go along because I was doing the one with the bar not getting raised, it was a practice high jump.
Another event I will need to work on is definitely long jump, triple jump, and sprints (yes I know I'm not good at jumping events and a bit of running).

Here are some images of the events I am bad at:

Slave Trade Triangle

Before I say anything, here's a link to my map:
SlAvE tRaDe TrIaNgLe

The Slave Triangle was basically the Africans making slave trades to the Europeans and what the First Passage was is The Africans carrying guns and other weapons in cargo and the Middle Passage was the African slaves were taken to the Caribbean and sold. They were bartered for a ship-load of tobacco and cotton. The Third Passage: Materials like cotton and tobacco that slaves picked were sent to Europe and sold.
I have found this topic interesting because I didn't know how many slaves there were then and now and what happened to them, it was gruesome but in a way it was interesting so thanks for reading my blog, I would appreciate a comment.

Friday 15 February 2019

Year 10 Drama: Animal Children's Show

I am going to be studying how animals behave (specifically dogs) so I can learn how to do it myself just for the children's show so here are some dog behaviors:

Image result for dog circling

Image result for dog digging

Image result for dog panting

 Image result for dog barking

Image result for dog chewing

Growling over food
Image result for dog growling over food

Getting in the garbage
Image result for dog getting in the garbage

Image result for dog jumping

Pulling on the leash
Image result for dog pulling on the leash

Image result for dog whining

So I've found quite a few of the dog behaviours so I know I won't be doing all of these but yea some I will do.